As a species from generation to generation we are realizing there is something more than the roles assigned to us or that we choose.
By James Anthony Curtis

Human Metamorphosis: A Spiritual Evolution of the Soul
Developing Trust in the Larger Picture.
When nearing the end of any relationship it is common to look back in review, feeling both the joys and the sorrows, and how we lived in our engagement of circumstances throughout asking ourselves what we desire for the future. We sit quietly with our mind, body, and emotions, breathing in the areas that arise in reflection: where we were this time last year, who we were with (which we may do month by month), allowing our senses to remember, and proceed at a pace that feels nurturing to our heart. We notice special occasions, and what made them fulfilling to us, how our body responded, the ease of living, and the appeal to the soul in our contentment. We also hear the pain in our journey, treating it with dignity and respect, acknowledging the importance of love calling out to us from within it. We make no designation between the lines of ‘good’ or ‘bad,’ but simply receive energies as allies in forging a deeper relationship with the soul.
Universal forces work in conjunction with every need, all places everywhere, and we give pause at this time not only to reflect, but to give thanks for sacred design, our design, and those that we have signed sacred contracts with for the expansion of our being.
We abide, allow, and embrace that which we have come to fulfill from our most intimate depths, recognizing that without people, events, and circumstances unfolding as they have, even in dark places, we would be incomplete. And in our pause we find the comfort of ourselves, the lonely one who has held loneliness, the sad one who has allowed sadness, and the fearful one who even though afraid, befriended fear; all of this precious time has given our heart the opportunity to be loved, held, and healed by us as no one else can, which we have long awaited to receive.
So as we acknowledge our blessings, both the dark and the shine of life, and in doing so we come to know god in all our various forms, circumstances, and beliefs, receiving the fullness of our innocence in this moment for all eternity. May we be where we are, feeling what we feel, by both acknowledging where we have been, and where we are going, as the one we already are in the light of loving compassion that is. We are the they, who are leading the front wave of humanity, honoring the one coming forth, however choosing to appear, for the benefit of all beings.
May it be so, so it is.
It’s been well over a year now living on the road, since the sale of the land, house, and most of my property. When things began to shift back in 2014, I was married, we had just purchased 24 acres with a small home and garage, there was an abundance of friends, family, wealth and health in many aspects of life. But the universe has a way of bringing things to our attention, things that we are not willing to look at readily, places within us that wait for the timing of perfection to reach its tipping point, and once the doors to these places are opened, a flood of changes burst through unraveling our reality with divine precision. My relationships, faith, and emotional stability were utterly cast to the wind for the current of uncertainty to take me. Reflecting back now, seeing that poor soul writhing in agonizing tears day after day on the floor, experiencing such loss, aloneness, and in complete despair – a derelict of society – there are times I go back and sit with him in his feelings, placing my hand upon his shoulder, gently whispering in his ear, “you are loved, it will all work out.”
We may do our best to succeed in our endeavors, forming relationships with friends and family, developing our skills, and moving upon the earth with grace as best we can, but the most purposeful ‘things’ we can give our love and attention to are those places which call to us that often we are unwilling to hear. Frequently they bring with them the pain of uncomfortable circumstances, feelings that we may wish to avoid, and the loneliness of deep abiding, which is in part what we have come for to offer loving compassion. Although we are never alone, at times it is necessary for our growth, a ‘construct,’ and a tool, that serves only to take us further inward in transformational power, which allows a depth of connection across any perceived border or boundary of who we truly are. Paradoxically the time we spend with ourselves opens our vision for expansion by the love we offer, and as we grow we will experience the loss of our egoic constructs, but in turn there is a multitude of wholeness that embraces our soul. In a sense, we lose a reality that may have appeared to hold and comfort us for years, but was based in illusion, and as it unravels we find the truth of who we are, and a much larger reality to stand on, even though grounded in the faith of losing ourselves to uncertainty.
The feelings we feel through our experiences shadow in comparison to the larger part of our self moving behind the scenes. Not that they are devalued by any means, but rather take on a much higher vibration in light as they become known as agents of our spiritual evolution working in concert with the universe for what we truly desire.
Sitting at the base of the Superstition Mountains, at our new home for the next month or so, there is an unmistakable newness to life, where even in the ache of growth, if we allow ourselves to abide with ourselves in what we feel, providing space for the heart, underneath there is always a rock of peace we may anchor to in what we feel. Comfort comes not from the certainties we may attempt to find in life, but rather from the uncertainties we have found in the faith of love. Underneath our insecurities, fears, and doubts that may arise sometimes, which are only asking for the love we are all deserving of, there is a path to be found, often the less traveled pilgrim’s road, in the uncertainty of the wind, and unpredictability of love.
Today may we find the treasures of our heart, through the ‘openings’ of space loss has provided for us. May we feel deeper, underneath the layers of our emotion, as we abide with what is calling out to us to be heard, seen, and loved for the benefit of all beings. May we find the doors, and answer the one who is knocking, that heaven may come forth in our time as all is revealed.
May it be so, so it is.
“The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it, but do not know where it comes from and where it is going; so is everyone who is born of the Spirit.” John 3:8
Often healing starts with external circumstances, like childhood trauma, abuse, and neglect only to name a few. As a healing proceeds deeper though, there are many vibrational threads within our healing that begin to arise that were previously unknown, hidden in a sense beneath the outer circumstances of the wounds we experienced. This “deeper healing” will only be revealed when we are ready for its unveiling, working in coordination with the universe for timing. All circumstances will align both in body and spirit for the most effective chance in shifting our internal vibration for wellbeing.
Soul contracts are one of the avenues we proceed with, both in previous agreements we have made with ourselves, or with other souls in an effort to heal eternal vibrational threads in us. One of these contracts that is very difficult to endure yet works very well is a “twin flame” contract. Twin Flames are those relationships which challenge us in a chaotic, addictive manner, turning our world upside down, inside out, for the revealing of parts in ourselves that are in deep need of love (part of our purpose in coming here). So as we experience our circumstances we begin to ask questions such as, “should I be here?” or, “is this loving?”
Although we live in this 3-D reality, we are multidimensional beings existing on higher planes energetically, simultaneously. What many times appears in our outer circumstances is for our internal path of growth, healing, expression, and spiritual evolution. So what we experience often while focusing outward on our circumstances, is necessary to bring us inward for our wellbeing. The emotions that arise within us due to our outer environment and relationships not only tend to carry debris for clearing as a part of the healing process, but also information about what feels in alignment for our life path.
Holding the heart in loving compassion through this process is paramount, because our heart field feels everything we feel as it arises – energetically we need to ‘feel to heal,’ but if not done with this practice, we may create deeper fissures in already existing vibrational wounds. As we learn to nurture the heart, feeling what we feel, often strong emotion will be granted passage for deeper healing in the contracts we have come to fulfill here as a part of our pilgrimage. This is not for wellbeing, but for our self-expression of what we truly desire – through each part that is cleared in our healing, we also receive a much clearer picture of our circumstances and what aligns with our desires.
In other words, even though we interact with others, care for them deeply, and are here simultaneously in fellowship with the earth and its inhabitants, it really is all about you. Although this may seem like a selfish concept at first, as each of us loves and heals in the process, the clearer picture which we receive transmits not only what each of us desires, but the truth of where we stand, and how love is moving for all of us in guidance to vibrational alignment for fulfillment.
Each of us has our soul contracts, and reasons for coming here. Although every one of us is experiencing a finite path unique to us, yet we are all infinite source creators of love. The more we awaken, clearing emotional debris, aligning with who we are, we expand to receive the infinite love of who we are as source. Clarity comes, but only as we receive our ‘reflections’ in listening to what they are sharing for us, feeling into our experiences, and loving those parts within us that are asking for our attention.
May we embrace the “deeper healing” as we are ready, coming to know those parts that are surfacing for the love we have to offer. May we view others in gratitude, for the contracts they have signed with us, and us with them. May we see our journey as an eternal one, our time here as a pilgrimage, for the love we have come to express, as the one we already are.
May it be so, so it is.
Some decisions are made for us, vibrationally, while others we gain insight into as we are choosing them. Life has a funny way of working things out, revealing places, shifting the tide to journey us to the shores needed for our transformation. Although we may feel the pains of where we are headed in uncertain circumstances, often desiring different outcomes, the gift of embracing our heart through the changes brings us to fulfillment in ways we never could have imagined possible.
From the oldest of times humanity has been connected to the earth in the rarest of revelations. As ‘Gods incarnate,’ we have come to express, heal, and experience a mixture of life forces on a level we frequently fail to grasp consciously, with the waves of our forefathers triggering whispered calls to our pilgrimage in purpose here. Souls, we walk traveling through time, mystical agents in disguise, and when we are ready, we start to receive glimpses of our former life, patterns are revealed, as deeper meaning starts to take us back to forgotten halls.
Everything has its place in our dogma, all environments contribute to our evolution, and some decisions arrive with uncomfortable resolution or healing balm, in the most chaotic of healings; turmoil, trouble, and afflictive tides may disturb the waters, but in those disturbances are the key energies of our healing. If we are brave enough to face our fears, feeling into each wave, the shifting tides bring with them the love needed for our transformation in strong energies.
Love, is the key, childlike humility the innocence of admittance, and surrender the action that opens once sealed doors.
May this sacred moon bring blessings, opening those places to receive what we have been asking for, as we honor the one coming forth, the one we already are, for the benefit of all beings.
May it be so, so it is.
Pictures taken at Roper Lake, Eastern Arizona, January 20th 2019
“Scientific explanations aside, there’s a weightier reason why all of humanity has observed blood moons with reverence since the beginning of time (and countless astrological articles analyzing its significance are published every day).
A supermoon is like every other full moon except infinitely more powerful. The closer the moon is to the Earth, the more intense are the pull on the tides, as well as all of your instincts, feelings, and overall complications in life. When a supermoon is combined with a total lunar eclipse, you get one strong cocktail of cosmic forces. An eclipse symbolizes beginnings, endings, culminations, and clean slates.
Whether you’re ready for it or not, an eclipse is the perfect time to finally make a decision you’ve been afraid to make, to add your final touches to a project that’s been driving you mad, to break off a relationship that lately has been feeling like dead weight, to gather up the courage to ask your crush out, to finally start writing that novel, to quit your dead-end job and follow your dreams. Eclipses are necessary times that book-end the period of life you’ve been living in. Basically, this story is over but a new one will begin tomorrow. No matter where you’re at in life, the eclipse will push you out of our comfort zone. This might result in success as much as it could in failure but one thing’s for sure: by the time it’s over, you will have grown.”
In native lore the coyote is the familiar spirit of the trickster, the one who comes as a sign of both trouble and good fortune, bringing transformational energy often in the form of laughter. Ciara’s parents have been visiting us for the past week in Arizona, and as they explore our little part of the world we are staying at, the topic of different sounds we often hear at night comes up during the day conversation. Almost every night this week the fresh air has brought with it various sounds to our ears: donkeys’ hee haws in the distance, birds squawking at sunset, and of course, one of my favorites, usually started by a dog barking somewhere in the campground — one, then two, three or more coyotes chiming in off in the distance.
And almost every morning this week Ive remarked, “Did you guys hear the coyotes last night?”
Which in turn I’m usually met with by her dad, “Are you sure? Coyotes? Did you really hear that here? That would be cool to hear!”
Although those late night howls I hear tend to make me out to have the appearance of a crazy person or a liar, once again tonight as I got up to use the bathroom, sure enough, one, then two, three or more began, until the chorus had dogs all around the camp barking in envy. I found myself smiling as I looked up at the stars, remarking to myself, “Come on you guys, cant you prove to them I’m not just saying this?!?”
But then, that’s the nature of the coyote, the trickster, and as I pondered the time we’ve spent with her parents, reflecting on the visit, I felt the coyotes energy in laughter, warm moments of bonding, good natured sharing, good fortune in transformational energy as I feel a bit closer in connection with them.
Frequently this relationship I’m in has been challenging, not because Ciara and I don’t get along —we have a great connection, but from the judgements that come from within me: those thoughts about our age difference, and how peers, parents, and what others might feel or think about it. Those thoughts alone have brought both great internal strife, but yet great strength in resolve for the heart. What I mean is, regardless of how things turn out between us, both her and I have grown tremendously through our odd choices, standing in each truth, and meeting difficult circumstances either that we have created, or exist in our mind, with a better love of ourselves, friends, and family. Kind of like, coyote saying, “Doesn’t matter if they hear me, do you hear me?”
So as I write this late night, at 1:47 in the morning, “Yes Coyote, I hear you. Thank you — thank you for reassuring us in times where we struggle, that there is also good fortune, ‘God fortune,’ in our paths.” And even though at times we may feel less than, disconnected, and doubting our choices, its not about the choices, but about how we love ourselves and others through them — that the sometimes oppressing weights that we may feel, are not here to harm us, but bring the transformational energy we have asked for.
So may coyote bless each of us as needed when we experience doubt, lack, or difficult circumstances — as both messengers and divine expressers, appearing in the times and places that they are most fulfilling to us, coming for the benefit of love, sharing their lives with us, both in inward and outward, as we walk the pilgrim road.
May it be so, so it is.
There are times Ive been so cold, it feels like the marrow in my bones has hardened, and the body shakes uncontrollably seeking any movement for warmth. My shell feels like it is cracking under the strain of a relentless pain, but after a time yields to a stillness that quiets the tremors within. It’s funny how the cold brings with it and introspection to our destruction, revealing those places inside that someday will cease, and be still, moving no more in this form.
In the spiritual community, there is a buzz of talk in allowing destruction for the new year, almost an asking of sorts, that those parts within us that serve us no more be completely shattered, so utterly decimated that there will be no recovery of our former selves. While this is a part of our transformational process, we must take care here, for what we embrace in our energetic field also affects the heart deeply. Yes, we desire change for our innermost selves on such a level, that our divinity shines forth as never before — but the nature of our divine is one of loving compassion, so much so we have waited eons patiently in our process for the emerging that is unfolding. Humanity has grown through cycles upon cycles of shifting evolution, to produce these circumstances laid at our feet before us. Our infinite journey is unfolding for wellbeing, not for completion.
So as we look forward in time, devoting ourselves to the light that reveals each intimate desire, if we are ready to move deeper, and as parts experience the creative destructive life-force, let us do so with love, as we hold the heart in compassion, feeling all that we feel for the sake of both our wellbeing, and of all beings universally. Let us approach the ends of that no longer serve us, by allowing them to decrease, fall away as they are ready when fully embraced by our love. And if we fear we are not moving fast enough for our wellbeing, that something must give in order for our divine to come forth, let us proceed into the feelings of what “not moving fast enough” feels like, abiding with the fear while tenderly acknowledging the heart, saying, “I will not abandon you, even though I feel this dark fear.”
Vibrationally the work we do with feeling our feelings, either allows us to go deeper in the myriad of ego, which brings about a firmer resolution in coming back to the heart, or we are ready to clear the emotional debris that surface by the loving of who we are, embracing every defect of character with the love that it has been asking for. As we do so, either path serves for our desire to manifest the one coming forth in us, that we have seen glimpses of, our future self that is master of all destiny.
So let us grant space for the time asked for, spending each moment with our most fulfilling reality where we are, embracing our truths, loving our heart, moving as we are ready in the coming year. And as each choice presents itself, may we remind ourselves that we are here on this pilgrimage not for the choices, but for the journey, that we may live fully well where we are. As all masters do, we came here knowing we agreed to the uncertainty, that there would be pain at times, and that even so we would experience all things necessary for our wellbeing.
May we be blessed, may we be healed, and may all that we desire come forth, as we are ready, loving the heart in tenderness through a that we feel, one breath, one beat, one moment at a time.
Rain continues this day, as I listen to the drip, drip, drip upon the gutters, grey skies holding true to their foretelling of the mood. It always amazes me how nature can be a perfect reflection of those parts within me on any given day, and when the shift comes, synchronized walls fall as the clouds move to produce the brightness of the sun. But the shift isn’t the goal, more of a byproduct of loves intrepid work in revealing the depths in deep need, each darkness claiming stake for the next round of feeling.
Some days as ironic as it sounds, I just don’t feel like feeling.
SO I wake up, go about my day, as the universe patiently waits for my readiness. Days may bleed into weeks, but not so much anymore, as once quickened, life has a way to coax us back into our attentiveness. I’m learning not to push, to prod myself or others in our chosen life path, but rather to simply allow me to flow as the person Ive come to experience this journey in.
As a healer, I’m very familiar with those coming to me for answers, but answers are different than healing. Healing can manifest in a variety of ways, but Ive never seen it arrive solely as an ‘answer.’ Mostly, healing comes as that pesky neighbor knocking at some odd hour at the back door, or the painful newscast we wince at in passing – wishing the world was a safer place. Deep healing arises almost unnoticed, maybe a forgotten dream in the night, or some ache upon waking for the day, possibly a co-worker saying the same annoying thing, complaining in our ear. These ‘feelings,’ left unattended, begin to work their festering magic, seeping underneath, into the cracks of our soul, until that day comes when we don’t ‘feel’ like going to work, we call off, crawling back into our bed.
And when ready, when there has been enough space created, we begin to examine ourselves, asking those difficult questions, maybe allowing difficult feelings.
The distance we feel, is nothing more than the space we have genuinely created, for love to close the gap between us and us. Oppression, heart-ache, sickness, and death, all reveal this great distance, the one inside that we miss, our infinite selves. But if we allow our demons to work for us, those parts that feel plagued, our eyes will come to know the truth of loves revealing, of each costumed scary character that has come forth, only as an aid to our most desired healing.
Sometimes the most potent feelings are the ones that arise out of our need to be seen, to know that we are not alone, that even in dire circumstances, all is unfolding for our benefit.
So we listen to the rain, feel the grey, hear the wind upon the trees, and allow as we allow, as we are ready to receive. We flow with the river of our true nature, granting passage for life to move as it chooses, welcoming both our resistance, and each embrace, with all the love we wish to be given, as no one else can, as we tenderly, sometimes painfully, hold the heart in all that we feel.
May it be so, so it is. ????
As the seasons shift, and the leaves release their colors in recognition of the fall, I feel the cold reaching into my bones, searching me out in the deep of the marrow. The wind is howling outside, as it blows upon the branches, tempting the trees with foretelling of winter, and the long dark that is coming in the cycle of life’s matter. I have to remind myself, that this is natural, a part of the journey we have contracted, and that all is well, even when uncomfortable feelings grip my soul.
Although trepidation may visit the weary traveler, it is in these times that we may offer the hospitality of our heart to those places that seek to be heard in us. Fear and agitation are only guests in our house, come to reveal those parts seeking faith in the ground of uncertainty, and if we allow ourselves to abide in the discomfort of our relations with strong energy, going inward as the mighty trees do each winter, we find solace in the space of reflection, grasping not upon the sands of shifting circumstances, but holding firm in the form of our divine unfolding.
With the cold comes a natural contraction, a seeming ‘revulsion’ to the outer world, but inward, we know of something different taking place. In times past, we would come together around the fire, tell stories in the shelters we had constructed, paint upon the walls, and commune with our ancestors around the fire of mortality’s privilege. And although it may seem we have lost this connection, the universe beckons us to travel deeper into the cave of our mystery, down sacred hallways, further than we have gone before in our species.
We will find loss, but only in the derision of our unbelief; for each fate is a necessity in our evolution, in coming to realize those places within us that have come forward to be expressed.
Our lineage will not abandon us, both in future realms and those we may have forgotten from long ago, for we are all pilgrims here, spontaneously embracing our rhythms, called out by our desires. So let us gather together, just as in days of old, tell our stories in the deep of cold’s brittleness, as we warm ourselves by the fire. And may we view the pictures we have painted, come to life upon the walls, seeing our depths emerge, serving us, as what we have chosen, in love’s universe, by design.
May it be so, so it is.
If we truly want to heal, we begin by embracing fully how we feel, breathing it in, abiding with strong energy, all while holding the heart, telling ourselves, “I will not abandon you, nor reject, in all that I feel.”
Many times we are born into circumstances specific to our vibrational patterns, desiring to heal those parts that are triggered by the reflections around us. The people, environments, and events in our life that get under our skin the most, are those benefactors that have been sent to reveal once darkened parts within us that are need of healing. We resist, because of the pain, which is the relief coming forth in these patterns of vibrational threads, ‘surfacing,’ as a part of our healing life path of greater self realization. Until we embrace them, they will show up in another aspect of our life, because we carry the vibrational fields within us where ever we go.
We start by slowing down, acknowledging those things in the body that carry a wealth of information to us — how we sit, what we eat and how it tastes, the music we like or dislike, the pleasures and pains of life that in the past we may have walked by because of our beliefs that have arisen purposefully for our ego to shroud us.
We give ourselves space to go inward, allowing any demons to come forward that are asking to be seen. With each sensation, we grant passage a little more to what is asking to be felt. If we become overwhelmed, we slow further, focusing on the breath, waiting until we are ready to hear what is being called forth.
With each new day, we set loving intentions, thanking the light that has come to both reveal, and warm those parts that have been cold. We learn to hold ourselves with nurturing, placing our hand upon the heart in loving compassion, knowing that the one we have been waiting for is coming, bringing with them relief upon which we may reside.
We trust in the universe, the reflections that are in our lives, setting aside judgement and opinion, giving ourselves freedom to observe with an open heart. And as we develop our practice, we come to realize our future self, the expression of who we already are, watching over us with deep mindfulness, love, and a wisdom from each ‘allowing’ in our life path.
May it be so, so it is.