“Deeply Rooted in Love”

There is a growing frequency of people in the world who feel lost, unsatisfied, alone, and overwhelmed by life. They desire abundance, health, and loving relationships, but feel these elude them in day-to-day living.  There are also many more who find a sense of peace, have well-rounded relationships, and seem to vibrate higher in joy, yet still feel incomplete. Never before has the world experienced such a mass exodus of souls seeking enlightenment, yet known so little about the evolutionary path we are on.

Often, unresolved emotional debris surface as suffering; many who are considered mentally and emotionally unhealthy are misdiagnosed, institutionalized, or even regarded criminal by society. Depression and anxiety lead to ever increasing rates of addiction and regularly culminate in heavy medication, incarceration, or suicide. And even in the seemingly healthiest of circumstances, if desire goes unheard, emotional triggers are tripped in a cascade of crumbling reality. At times, what is felt can seem dire, but there are mystics, teachers, and guides consistently among us, sharing the wisdom of the ‘ancients’ when we are ready to receive it.

As one who has healed, and being highly sensitive and intuitive to my own needs, I can promise you, if you are drawn here, this may be a time of deep transformation, relief, and coming to know parts of the soul that have been asking to be revealed; what we feel in the ache of afflictive emotions are the indications of the one that we already are coming forth in us. Divine nature emerges from the depths of our most intimate places, and manifests in reflection through feelings that arise in relation to outer circumstances. This website was developed as a space of sharing powerful gifts of transmission, the metamorphosis of the soul, and in acknowledgment of the journey each of us is on.

Together we will listen, going into the soul’s needs, exploring how to best love and embrace what is being universally offered in benefit of all beings, as we tenderly hold the heart in loving compassion.

In my latest book: By Our Design: A Human Manual to the Evolutionary Process of Ascension we move into the journey we have agreed to undertake, where we discover the nature of our relationship with the soul, how the universe works, and the metamorphosis which will unfold in every one of us as we evolve.


(Kindle edition)


(Print Edition)


“There are those among us who are awakening to a world of reflection, where science and faith are meeting in the dynamic fabric of what is felt or experienced on a vibrational level of awareness. Everything from the colors we are attracted to, the texture of the clothes we wear, how we are touched, foods we eat, and conversations we have is a part of a purposeful design in resolve. Each of us has chosen to incarnate to fulfill ‘energetic contracts’ of integration that may seem foreign, even unbearable at times and without merit, but when realized become miraculous in the nature of who we are.”

This site is dedicated to you, those that are trying to find their way home, sensitive beings that only wish to fulfill their deepest purpose, as they feel the desires of the heart emerging. If you struggle with anxiety, depression, and strong emotional debris, you are a highly exceptional person, there is nothing ‘wrong’ with you — you are merely awakening to the one you have been waiting for, the one you already are, fulfilling divine nature, and you are not alone in the ascension process.

Much love, blessings and gratitude. Om!