Here is a link to the newest book available on Amazon:
By Our Design: A Human Manual to the Evolutionary Process of Fifth Dimension Ascension
There are those among us who are awakening to a world of reflection, where science and faith are meeting in the dynamic fabric of what is felt or experienced on a vibrational level of awareness. Everything from the colors we are attracted to, the texture of the clothes we wear, how we are touched, foods we eat, and conversations we have is a part of a purposeful design in resolve. Each of us has chosen to incarnate to fulfill ‘energetic contracts’ of integration that may seem foreign, even unbearable at times and without merit, but when realized become miraculous in the nature of who we are.
By Our Design: A Human Manual to the Evolutionary Process of Fifth Dimension Ascension moves us into the journey we have agreed to undertake, where we discover the nature of our relationship with the soul, how the universe works, and the metamorphosis which will unfold in every one of us as we evolve.
Other Books available by Author:
If you are inquiring about “Deeply Rooted in Love: A Meditation Journal for the Heart” the details are posted below! But first, let me say – I’m so thankful for you being here!
I want to take a moment to acknowledge whatever you are feeling, thinking, doing, to say that you are so important to me! May you receive all the love, attention, and the time necessary that so many of us desire!
We all have heard in some various form, degree or another, “Its an inside job,” but that said, a lot of what comes to us externally is purposeful in our self-realization. And although the circumstances, experiences, and interactions we have with the external world are sometimes difficult to feel, our emotions are an integral part of the process in transformation, and becoming the one we have been waiting for, the love we already are.
If you are hurting, struggling, and feel overwhelmed, please take the time to send an email and connect if you desire, or to reach out and share your rich transformation, resolve, and loving inspirations! I will try to respond promptly as you are important to me! Reach out at:
Thank you again, much love, blessings of gratitude for you!
Here is a link to:
Deeply Rooted in Love: A Meditation Journal for the Heart
“Deeply Rooted in Love,” a wellspring of emotional healing by connecting with the infinite depths of the heart. Powerful teachings guised in the form of childlike safety, leading the journeyer inward to those places desiring to be heard, touched, felt by the one journaling.
This daily journal guides the user through 365 days of loving questions, healing, and insightful practices that nurture well being with the heart.
Exploration includes:
• Rediscovery of our childlike innocence as a guide to our true divine nature
• Unraveling of egoic patterns through daily practices of surrender contained in journal writings
• Shifting our view in all relationships, and embracing the universal love of their mirroring
• Self-realization through the practice of abiding with strong emotions, while holding space for the loving of our heart
• An ever deepening relationship with personal truth, granting faith in times of uncertainty
“Deeply Rooted in Love: A Meditation Journal for the Heart” guides us into the inner chambers of the heart in compassionate, mindfulness, asking core questions, with ease and simplicity.
Journaling is numbered by days, so the user may start at any point in the year, allowing the freedom of beginning where needed, as the heart asks to be loved.
“Embrace what you feel. The heart will remember, as your innocence comes forth, the love that has never left you, which you already are.”