Reclaiming our Abundance: An Exploration of the Soul
Part 1
Reclaiming our Abundance: An Exploration of the Soul Part 1
Human Metamorphosis: A Spiritual Evolution of the Soul
Reclaiming our Abundance: An Exploration of the Soul Part 1
Often healing starts with external circumstances, like childhood trauma, abuse, and neglect only to name a few. As a healing proceeds deeper though, there are many vibrational threads within our healing that begin to arise that were previously unknown, hidden in a sense beneath the outer circumstances of the wounds we experienced. This “deeper healing” will only be revealed when we are ready for its unveiling, working in coordination with the universe for timing. All circumstances will align both in body and spirit for the most effective chance in shifting our internal vibration for wellbeing.
Soul contracts are one of the avenues we proceed with, both in previous agreements we have made with ourselves, or with other souls in an effort to heal eternal vibrational threads in us. One of these contracts that is very difficult to endure yet works very well is a “twin flame” contract. Twin Flames are those relationships which challenge us in a chaotic, addictive manner, turning our world upside down, inside out, for the revealing of parts in ourselves that are in deep need of love (part of our purpose in coming here). So as we experience our circumstances we begin to ask questions such as, “should I be here?” or, “is this loving?”
Although we live in this 3-D reality, we are multidimensional beings existing on higher planes energetically, simultaneously. What many times appears in our outer circumstances is for our internal path of growth, healing, expression, and spiritual evolution. So what we experience often while focusing outward on our circumstances, is necessary to bring us inward for our wellbeing. The emotions that arise within us due to our outer environment and relationships not only tend to carry debris for clearing as a part of the healing process, but also information about what feels in alignment for our life path.
Holding the heart in loving compassion through this process is paramount, because our heart field feels everything we feel as it arises – energetically we need to ‘feel to heal,’ but if not done with this practice, we may create deeper fissures in already existing vibrational wounds. As we learn to nurture the heart, feeling what we feel, often strong emotion will be granted passage for deeper healing in the contracts we have come to fulfill here as a part of our pilgrimage. This is not for wellbeing, but for our self-expression of what we truly desire – through each part that is cleared in our healing, we also receive a much clearer picture of our circumstances and what aligns with our desires.
In other words, even though we interact with others, care for them deeply, and are here simultaneously in fellowship with the earth and its inhabitants, it really is all about you. Although this may seem like a selfish concept at first, as each of us loves and heals in the process, the clearer picture which we receive transmits not only what each of us desires, but the truth of where we stand, and how love is moving for all of us in guidance to vibrational alignment for fulfillment.
Each of us has our soul contracts, and reasons for coming here. Although every one of us is experiencing a finite path unique to us, yet we are all infinite source creators of love. The more we awaken, clearing emotional debris, aligning with who we are, we expand to receive the infinite love of who we are as source. Clarity comes, but only as we receive our ‘reflections’ in listening to what they are sharing for us, feeling into our experiences, and loving those parts within us that are asking for our attention.
May we embrace the “deeper healing” as we are ready, coming to know those parts that are surfacing for the love we have to offer. May we view others in gratitude, for the contracts they have signed with us, and us with them. May we see our journey as an eternal one, our time here as a pilgrimage, for the love we have come to express, as the one we already are.
May it be so, so it is.
When we feel uncomfortable, awkward, or ill inside, it’s easy to assign our feelings to outer circumstances that challenge our sense of peace. Our mind will attempt to resolve feelings with the usual conversations we hear ourselves saying such as, “if only they were like this, then I would be happy” or, “it’s their fault I feel this way.” These are common repeating themes we have heard from ourselves and others when we are in blaming conditions for how we feel. In my own experience I’ve gone so far as to blame the weather, gas prices, who is president, and even ‘God’ for what I am feeling. And to add to the matter is our attempts at altering our outer circumstances spending much of our entire lives trying to rearrange our environments, relationships, jobs, homes, and pets to just how we want them, in hopes that this would somehow satisfy the life we are living, giving us ease in the world that often leaves us filled with ‘wanting.’
Anytime we blame though, our heart feels what is being said, from the finger pointing to the “if onlys” in our attempts at rearranging life as we would have it. This creates a dynamic of unworthiness in our vibrational field, and the heart continues to build walls in order to do its best for protecting itself. Most of us have carried this vibrational thread from lifetime to lifetime until we were ready to address the pain that arises from its frequency. The repeating habitual patterns that exist in us, or karma, often are viewed as plagues that we have somehow ‘earned,’ and we must either be “good enough” to shift them, or we deserve what we have received based on our behaviors in this or a previous lifetime. This is a deeper level of blame in that we have shifted our perspective from outer circumstances to blaming ourselves directly for what we are feeling. This may take us into intense depression or anxiety, much of which exists today in the current mental health field. The resulting trauma of “blame” extends to every corner of humanity, locking us into a cycle of oppression that will not be broken by conventional means. This is where we trust in the saving grace of our greater self along the evolutionary path, as we become aware in our awakening.
Although we may find ourselves in the mire of our feelings asking what we may do to receive help or support to shift our position for the better, the key to easing our pain in the evolutionary process is by the allowing of love to come to the forefront of our practice. When thoughts or feelings plague us, and we find ourselves going further into blame, we don’t fight what we think or feel, but grant ourselves permission think or feel while we embrace the heart in a loving manner. A simple yet very effective practice we this is to place the hand upon the heart, and talk to the heart saying, “even though I feel blame, I want you to know that I will not abandon, or reject you, I am here for you, and I love you.” What arises as we do this is necessary for us to feel for our healing, as we have created a safe channel for cellular debris to travel. We are no longer withholding what we think or feel, but through loving the heart we have given our karma the opportunity to be acknowledged, in essence clearing repeating patterns through the love we offer shifting our vibrational fields.
Today, as we are ready, may we grant ourselves the necessary space for our healing, acknowledging the truths that arise, giving attention to those parts that are being revealed in each awakening, both in thought and feeling that are desiring resolution. May we maintain the simple practice of holding the heart, as we feel all that is arising for our wellbeing, as we love the one that is asking to be loved, for the benefit of all beings.
May it be so, so it is.