You are not alone…

“We may think we are alone, that no one knows our pain or the suffering we may endure, but there are forces in and around us that are consistently aware of our plight; when one thread is broken or disturbed, the entire web is affected by it.”


~ By Our Design: A Human Manual to the Evolutionary Process of Fifth Dimension Ascension

As a species from generation to generation we are realizing there is something more than the roles assigned to us or that we choose.

As a species from generation to generation we are realizing there is something more than the roles assigned to us or that we choose.

By James Anthony Curtis
When we are challenged emotionally these energies are one of the highest indications that we are ready for a ‘shift’ in reality. What we view as our ‘self,’ or even the reflections we see in others can be terribly difficult to process as we start to ask questions about who we are, the life path we are living, and the meaning in our choices. And the power in these energies is not to be underestimated: it is both purposeful in its nature by allowing us to go deeper for the fulfillment of desires we have come to explore, express, and experience on earth, as well as carrying us in the current of transformational resolve to the precipice of unfolding wings as the ‘sky children’ that we are.
Often though, it is a very confusing time, and if we are unwilling or incapable of moving into the energies of these questions, we will find the ego provides a solution of grasping, which will interpret what arises however it can for stability, focusing on outer circumstances as a measure for resolve. However, as beings of energy, light, and awakening divinity temporal measures will not satisfy the inherent nature of questioning that arises; just as a seedling must break its shell and move through the darkness of the earth towards the warmth of the light, we too must come forth in our season. The universe works in such a way that whatever triggers us, or shows up in our life is intentionally for our benefit, even in painful or afflictive circumstances. Likewise, we live in a world full of human evolvement, where consciousness is in the process of deep integration, as each life path comes to know the one that they already are in fulfillment of highest destiny.
The relief so many seek will only appear as the heart is held in compassion. Fears, ache, and pain need not be enemies, but more-so allies in leading us into an intuitive, meaningful, deepened relationship with ourselves and what we desire. The one misconception we have as humans is that life is static, but really it is dynamic, vibrant, and abundantly creative. Often what we may view as loss, is really the opening of space for what we have desired as one reality fades another becomes apparent. And how we choose to receive any expansion is based on the love we offer to the one in experience.
Today, may we offer compassion to the one in experience, hearing the wisdom of the heart as it is held as we enter the reality of our most intimate desires in the process of being fulfilled.

“Approaching the gates”

“Approaching the gates”

By James Anthony Curtis

When nearing the end of any relationship it is common to look back in review, feeling both the joys and the sorrows, and how we lived in our engagement of circumstances throughout asking ourselves what we desire for the future. We sit quietly with our mind, body, and emotions, breathing in the areas that arise in reflection: where we were this time last year, who we were with (which we may do month by month), allowing our senses to remember, and proceed at a pace that feels nurturing to our heart. We notice special occasions, and what made them fulfilling to us, how our body responded, the ease of living, and the appeal to the soul in our contentment. We also hear the pain in our journey, treating it with dignity and respect, acknowledging the importance of love calling out to us from within it. We make no designation between the lines of ‘good’ or ‘bad,’ but simply receive energies as allies in forging a deeper relationship with the soul.

Universal forces work in conjunction with every need, all places everywhere, and we give pause at this time not only to reflect, but to give thanks for sacred design, our design, and those that we have signed sacred contracts with for the expansion of our being.

We abide, allow, and embrace that which we have come to fulfill from our most intimate depths, recognizing that without people, events, and circumstances unfolding as they have, even in dark places, we would be incomplete. And in our pause we find the comfort of ourselves, the lonely one who has held loneliness, the sad one who has allowed sadness, and the fearful one who even though afraid, befriended fear; all of this precious time has given our heart the opportunity to be loved, held, and healed by us as no one else can, which we have long awaited to receive.

So as we acknowledge our blessings, both the dark and the shine of life, and in doing so we come to know god in all our various forms, circumstances, and beliefs, receiving the fullness of our innocence in this moment for all eternity. May we be where we are, feeling what we feel, by both acknowledging where we have been, and where we are going, as the one we already are in the light of loving compassion that is. We are the they, who are leading the front wave of humanity, honoring the one coming forth, however choosing to appear, for the benefit of all beings.

May it be so, so it is.